Photoinduced Processing
CREOL The College of Optics & Photonics
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"Mode selection and phase locking of sidelobe emitting semiconductor laser arrays using an external cavity with a narrow-bandwidth volume grating"
Spilios Riyopoulos, G. Venus and L. Glebov
Proc. of SPIE 6456, 645613, 1-7
"Narrow-band volume Bragg gratings in PTR glass under high-power CW laser radiation"
Oleksiy Andrusyak, Vadim Smirnov, George Venus, and Leonid Glebov
Proceedings of Solid State and Diode Lasers Technical Review, P-1
"Optical interconnect platform including Bragg diffractive gratings in a bulk material"
Alexei Glebov, Kishio Yokouchi, Leonid B. Glebov, Vadim I. Smirnov
US Patent 7,277,611
"Optical parametric chirped-pulse–amplification contrast enhancement by regenerative pump spectral filtering"
C. Dorrer, A. V. Okishev, I. A. Begishev, J. D. Zuegel, V. I. Smirnov, and L. B. Glebov
Opt. Lett. 32 2378-2380
"Photosensitive holographic glass – new approach to creation of high power lasers"
Leonid B. Glebov
Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, 48, 123–128
"Radiation-induced transmission degradation of borosilicate crown optical glass from four different manufacturers"
Andrei Gusarov, Dominic Doyle, Leonid Glebov, Francis Berghmans
Optical Engineering 46, 043004, 1-6
"Spectral beam combining by stack of volume Bragg gratings in PTR glass"
Oleksiy Andrusyak, Vasile Rotar, Armen Sevian, Vadim Smirnov, George Venus, and Leonid Glebov
Proceedings of Solid State and Diode Lasers Technical Review, BC2-2
"Spectral beam combining of fiber lasers with increased channel density"
Oleksiy Andrusyak, Igor Ciapurin, Vadim Smirnov, George Venus, and Leonid Glebov
Proc. of SPIE 6453, 64531 L1-L7
"Spectral filtering in a diode-pumped Nd:YLF regenerative amplifier using a volume Bragg grating"
A. V. Okishev, C. Dorrer, V. I. Smirnov, L. B. Glebov, and J. D. Zuegel
Opt. Express 15 8197-8202
"Spectral narrowing and stabilization of high-power LD stacks, bars and single emitters by PTR-glass volume Bragg gratings "
G.Venus, A.Gourevitch, VSmirnov, and L.Glebov
Proceeding of the Solid State and Diode Laser Technology Review, SSDLTR-07, 204-207, 2007
"Spontaneous and photo-induced crystallization of photo-thermo-refractive glass"
J. Lumeau, A. Sinitskii, L. Glebova, L. B. Glebov, E. D. Zanotto
Phys. Chem. Glasses: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. B, 48 281–284
"Stable dual-wavelength operation of InGaAs diode lasers with volume Bragg gratings"
S.A. Zolotovskaya, N. Daghestani, G.B. Venus, L.B. Glebov, V.I. Smirnov, E.U. Rafailov
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 pp. 171113, 1-3
"Stable dual-wavelength operation of InGaAs diode lasers with volume Bragg gratings"
S.A. Zolotovskaya, N. Daghestani, G.B. Venus, L.B. Glebov, V.I. Smirnov, E.U. Rafailov
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 171113, 1-3
"Ultimate efficiency of multi-channel spectral beam combiners by means of volume Bragg gratings"
Armen Sevian, Oleksiy Andrusyak, Igor Ciapurin, George Venus, and Leonid Glebov
Proc. of SPIE 6453, 64530 R1-R8
"Adiabatic three-wave volume hologram: large efficiency independent of grating strength and polarization"
C. C. Tsai, L. B. Glebov, and B. Ya. Zeldovich
Opt. Lett. 31, 718-720
"High brightness laser design based on volume Bragg gratings"
Leonid B. Glebov
Proc. of SPIE 6216, 621601
"High Brightness Spectral Beam Combination of High-Power Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers"
Yushi Kaneda, Li Fan, Ta-Chen Hsu, Nasser Peyghambarian, Mahmoud Fallahi, Armis R. Zakharian, Jörg Hader, Jerome V. Moloney, Wolfgang Stoltz, Stephan Koch, Robert Bedford, Armen Sevian, and Leonid Glebov
IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 18, 1795-1797
"Kinetic approach to the decomposition of radiation-induced absorption spectra"
A. Gusarov, D. Doyle, L. Glebov, F. Berghmans
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 352, 3343-3349
"Modeling of phase volume diffractive gratings, part 1: transmitting sinusoidal uniform gratings"
Igor V. Ciapurin, Leonid B. Glebov, Vadim I. Smirnov
Optical Engineering 45, 015802, 1-9
"Nonlinear refractive index of photo-thermo-refractive glass"
S. Santran, M. Martinez-Rosas, L. Canioni, L. Sarger, L.N. Glebova, A. Tirpak, L.B. Glebov
Optical Materials 28, 401–407
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