Photoinduced Processing
CREOL The College of Optics & Photonics
News &
3/8/2017 Patent "Optical system including multiplexed volume Bragg grating, methods, and application" issued
3/8/2017 Professor Leon Glebov presents short course at Photonics West 2017
3/8/2017 Professor Leon Glebov to present Darshana and Arun Varshneya Frontiers of Glass Technology Lecture
12/11/2015 SPIE Student Chapter Faculty Talk Series: "Long and Sinuous Way in Optics Research" by Dr. Leonid Glebov
5/31/2013 A patent entitled "Production of high efficiency diffractive and refractive optical elements in multicomponent glass..." was issued by the US Patent Office to Dr. Glebov and other members of his PPL group.
4/24/2012 Leon Glebov and Optigrate Featured in Orlando Sentinel
9/7/2010 Dr. Leon Glebov's Company Optigrate Featured in UCF News
6/4/2009 Leon Glebov awarded $1.8M DARPA contract for ADHELS Phase 2
2/12/2008 Leon Glebov Wins 2008 SPIE Dennis Gabor Award
12/8/2007 Leon Glebov elected Fellow of the OSA

Leon Glebov Wins 2008 SPIE Dennis Gabor Award

Congratulations to Leon Glebov for winning this year's Dennis Gabor Award from the SPIE - one of it's highest honors. The Dennis Gabor Award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding accomplishments in diffractive wavefront technologies, especially those which further the development of holography and metrology applications.


Congratulations to Leon Glebov and all of his students, postdocs and collaborators. This truly does keep CREOL in the limelight.

Posted Tuesday, February 12, 2008

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