Patent "Optical system including multiplexed volume Bragg grating, methods, and application" issued
A patent, titled "Optical system including multiplexed volume Bragg grating, methods, and application" was issued in January 2017 to Professor Leon Glebov's and other members of his PPL research group: Brian Anderson, Ivan Divliansky, Daniel Ott, Evan Hale, and George Venus.
Abstract: A method of reversible spatial mode selection and converĀsion between waveguides and free space is presented using a multiplexed volume Bragg grating (MVBG). The MVBG has an inherent angular selectivity, providing different losses for different transverse modes and converting a higher order mode in waveguide to a single fundamental mode in free space. Using the device in a resonator allows for a pure higher order mode to be guided and amplified in the gain medium, to increase the mode area, to extract accumulated excitation more efficiently, and, therefore, to increase gain of the amplifier. In the same resonator, the device is able to convert the higher order mode to a high brightness Gaussian beam in free space or to a fundamental mode in a waveguide.
US 9,551,830 B1

Posted Wednesday, March 8, 2017